Get Involved, Take Action, Create Positive Change.

Our Story

We have all been watching as the numbers of our neighbors struggling with poverty increase every day.
We believe many of us would like to help, but don’t know where to begin. 

We formed Volunteer Collective in 2020, to address those issues by offering easy access to impactful volunteer opportunities.

We’ve helped thousands of people volunteer their time and passion, and in exchange they’ve felt the emotional reward of helping those who need it most.

There is no greater feeling in the world than knowing you’ve had a truly positive impact on the lives of others.

Every day we see the need around us and we hear about so many in our own City who are hungry, or unhoused, or in need of opportunity and jobs, and most of us don't know what to do to make things better.

There are simple and impactful things we can do to help. This is why Volunteer Collective was started: to let you know what is coming up in your neighborhood so you can drop in and make a difference.

The big payoff of volunteerism is the feeling you get from doing it. We’ve seen it hundreds of times before, but you may have to see that for yourself rather than take someone else’s word for it.

What would our City look and feel like if everyone bought into the idea of shared responsibility and helping our neighbors on a regular basis? Let's find out together.

Our Founders

Collective Team

Rebecca Tankersley

Executive Director

Elisa K. Schwartz

Director of Outreach &
Community Engagement

Contact Us

Local change is possible. We would love to hear your ideas about future campaigns and find ways to work together.

Contact us to learn more about how you can make a difference. Either reach out directly to or fill in the contact form here.